Stonebridge at Montgomery Celebrates the Countries and Cultures of Residents and Staff
August 2, 2021
Stonebridge at Montgomery, a Springpoint Life Plan Community, celebrated the countries and cultures of its residents and staff on July 23, 2021, coinciding with the opening of the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo.
With a full day of festivities, the Stonebridge diversity and inclusion celebration kicked-off with a Parade of Nations procession including Stonebridge residents and staff members waving national flags representing their family’s country of origin. The parade flowed through the Stonebridge auditorium accompanied with music by a resident pianist. Welcoming remarks were addressed by Mary Cannon, Executive Director of Stonebridge at Montgomery followed by words of inspiration from community Chaplain Jenny Urbanski of the Springpoint Spiritual Care Program.
The main attraction of the day was the beautiful display of over 100 imaginative exhibits from Mexico, China, Finland, and dozens of other places including cherished family heirlooms from around the world like hand embroidered tapestries, antique vases, photos, and other fine collectibles.
Throughout the day, a variety of formal presentations were conducted by residents and staff. The presentation agenda included topics and personal experiences relating to: Judaism Around the World; Exchange Students Who Became Family; Treasures from Iran; Growing Up in Lebanon; and The Art of the Japanese Kimono. Musical performances by residents and staff took place including a performance by a member of the Stonebridge healthcare team who is a professional pianist and teacher. A member of the Stonebridge security staff sang two pieces from his native Sierra Leone repertoire with footwork to match. Closing remarks were provided by community member Jeff Tener, President of the Stonebridge Residents Association.
Many community members completed survey forms noting where they were born and/or the culture and origin of their parents and grandparents. Survey results were announced during the celebration and included the following resident and staff countries of origin or culture: Africa, Austria, Belarus, Canada, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia Ecuador, England, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Holland, Honduras, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, North Korea, Norway, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Scotland, Sierra Leone, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, and Ukraine.
The overall celebratory event signified the international mix of Stonebridge community members and staff. “In this time of growing sensitivity to the ideas of diversity, inclusion and equity, residents are seeing one another in new ways and are proud of the manifold mix,” said Scott McVay, resident of Stonebridge at Montgomery.