Letter of Thanks to Employees
June 2, 2020
A letter of thanks to employees from the residents of Stonebridge at Montgomery:
On behalf of Stonebridge residents, we write to express our deep gratitude to you personally for all that you and your fellow employees have done to keep the residents and yourselves as healthy as possible. We applaud your efforts and your dedication to your work.
We have caught glimpses of some of you, masked and in protective gear, at the doorways of residents needing medical assistance; and we know that others of you work in Stonebridge’s healthcare units at considerable risks to your own health and safety. Thank you for your care, kindness, and courage among our most vulnerable residents.
We see many of you daily as you deliver our meals to our apartments or cottages, and we know that others in dining services have planned and prepared these meals for us. We also see that someone is daily picking up and delivering our mail, our packages, and various notices, while someone else is preparing puzzle packets, sing-a-longs, and a daily schedule of Channel 1979 programs. Thank you for daily nourishment, for daily communication with the outside world, and for thoughtful attention to our daily needs for exercise, education, and entertainment.
We have even seen some of you cleaning the walls and handrails of our halls; and we understand that many of you have been “deep cleaning” throughout Stonebridge’s facilities, including healthcare units. Thank you for giving everyone in the Stonebridge community this extra measure of protection during the COVID-19 pandemic.
When measured on a per person basis, New Jersey in recent weeks has had the highest incidence of COVID-19 infection in the country. Thanks to your good work, however, Stonebridge has been one of the safest places to be in New Jersey. As one of our residents put it, “Stonebridge employees have made this the safest place to be in the most dangerous state.”
Stonebridge management developed an excellent plan to keep all of us safe. But a plan without action is only words on paper. You, the Stonebridge employees, you made the plan work.
John L. Williams, Residents’ Association President
Jeffrey B. Tener, Residents’ Association President-Elect