Senior Living Testimonials
Residents say it best.
There are no better experts on community life at Stonebridge at Montgomery than current residents. Here are their thoughts in their own words.
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“During the past seven weeks I have had the benefit of the excellence of members of the Clinic’s nursing staff.”
Helen Turner“During the past seven weeks I have had the benefit of the excellence of members of the Clinic’s nursing staff. Through their superb care I was able to deal with the most painful experience in my life—the result of an allergic reaction following my right hip replacement. My appreciation to them is boundless.
My Internist said they did an outstanding job and brought me through a difficult treatment and healing. I thank Jaeyeon, Natasha, Karen and Fudi for their nursing skills, concern, and positive support. A nurse was in my apartment every day aiding and abetting my recovery which admittedly took a while.
How fortunate I am to be living in a caring community with a professional nursing staff who serves their patients so well.”
“Hardly a day goes by that I don’t feel grateful for that decision we made 15 years ago to move to Stonebridge.”
David Mulford“The year I retired, Nancy and I bought our dream house, nestled in the mountains of western North Carolina. We were still full of energy, and over the next 12 years, became deeply involved in the community and made scores of friends. Eventually, some health issues, and the passing years, reminded us that our children, who wanted to help us when needed, were hundreds of miles away. That became a concern both for them and for us. So in 2006, we made the decision to move back to New Jersey to be near our daughter, who lived in Princeton, not far from our son, and only an hour’s drive from where we raised our family.
“One thing was sure: We wanted to move only once. 55+ communities were attractive and numerous in the area. But then we thought: What happens when the health of one or both of us fails? The answer was obvious and scary. We’d have to move once again. The answer—a Life Plan Community. Stonebridge, then very new, met our needs. We’d be only 10 minutes from our daughter, and close to Princeton and all it had to offer.
“We chose a cottage and moved in. We were greeted warmly, sometimes with the comment, “But you’re so young!” We smiled. I was 74 and Nancy was 68. We were “young,” and even though we didn’t need all the services Stonebridge provided, we certainly enjoyed them.
We both got involved in activities at Stonebridge, as well as in the Princeton community. We joined organizations, volunteered our time, took trips, and made a wonderful group of friends.
“The years rushed by. Then, last fall, Nancy was hospitalized twice. After the second hospitalization, she came back to skilled nursing at Stonebridge, and eventually into Taylor Commons, the memory unit. She has a bright room, with her own furniture and family pictures on the wall. She’s well cared for and is content. She’s still in “our” community, surrounded and cared for by people we know, and just a short walk from our cottage. And I know that should I need additional care, it can be found right here as well.
“But just think: What if I’d had to seek out a facility to meet Nancy’s needs? It could be miles away, at a time when I’m driving less and less. Wherever it was, it would be an unfamiliar setting surrounded by people we didn’t know. I shudder to think of the impact it would have had on both of us. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t feel grateful for that decision we made 15 years ago to move to Stonebridge.”
“They do everything they possibly can to keep us safe. I’m overwhelmed with the thought of how they manage it.”
Helen FreedmanHelen Freedman worked in the administration of a large corporation before she retired and shares her thoughts on how the leaders of Springpoint and Stonebridge at Montgomery managed the COVD-19 pandemic. “They do everything they possibly can to keep us safe. I’m overwhelmed with the thought of how they manage it. We residents certainly appreciate their tremendous efforts.”
Helen made the decision to move to Stonebridge with her husband 14 years ago, confident that Richard, who had Alzheimer’s, would receive proper care. “We moved in together, and Richard lived in the memory care unit for three years. No matter the weather, I could visit him every day. He died in 2008. They took wonderful care of him,” she says. “They also gave me a life by caring for my husband, and I truly appreciate Stonebridge for that.”
In reply to Springpoint’s President and CEO Anthony Argondizza’s letters of explanation and encouragement to the residents, Helen let him know how much the staff are doing in the face of enormous responsibility and recommended that they be rewarded. “They always worked hard and were friendly, but now they are truly heroes.”
Helen was not alone in her support of the staff. In April 2020, the Springpoint Heroes Fund was created through the support of Springpoint and the Springpoint Foundation. It recognizes and supports the tremendous effort Springpoint’s employees are making during the COVID-19 pandemic as they work tirelessly to promote the safety, health, and well-being of the residents and one another. Reflecting on life during these challenging times, Helen notes, “We have a good group of residents here—everyone’s cooperating. Our meals are wonderful. We have an in-house TV station that broadcasts a variety of programs, including community news, exercise classes, Princeton Festival videos, documentaries, and movies. Overall, there’s a real sense of camaraderie that we’re all in this together.”
“Springpoint’s effectiveness in providing a safe and healthy environment for the residents is a major success.”
Jeffrey TenerA professional arbitrator and mediator, Jeff Tener has served on Stonebridge’s executive committee for a number of years, assuming the role of president of the Residents Association in 2020. He also serves as Stonebridge’s appointee to the Springpoint CCRC board of trustees. This service gave him insight into Springpoint’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and he’s impressed.
“The more you learn about anything complex, the more understanding you have of its difficulties and challenges,” he says. “There’s a basic alignment between Springpoint and its communities and between the staff and the residents. There’s been a huge emphasis on minimizing the occurrence of the coronavirus, and that’s the number one priority. Springpoint’s effectiveness in providing a safe and healthy environment for the residents is a major success.”
To facilitate residents being able to shelter in place during the first few months of the pandemic, Jeff explained that the Stonebridge administrators and staff tried to make it as easy as possible for residents not to leave their homes. “We had prepared meals, cleaning products, and necessities—everything we could need—delivered right to our doors,” he notes. “The administrators communicated with us, and that helped relieve some of the pressure. I, along with other residents, felt that they were being open and honest.”
“Living here is very much like living in our home on Long Island. We feel like we’re in familiar surroundings, and our neighbors are very friendly.”
Sylvia and Bruce WagnerBruce and Sylvia Wagner moved to a cottage at Stonebridge at Montgomery in January 2016. Happily married for 64 years and counting, the couple note that “living here is very much like living in our home on Long Island. We feel like we’re in familiar surroundings, and our neighbors are very friendly. Everything here works for us.”
Despite the community restrictions during the COVID-19 pandemic, the couple has reasons to be joyful. “The administration is following the CDC guidelines to keep us safe and healthy, and that in and of itself is very comforting,” says Sylvia. “The staff does a great job of boosting everyone’s morale, and we keep ourselves busy. People enjoy working in the community garden, the salon has reopened, and fitness classes are restarting.”
Sylvia is quick to praise the chef, noting that he has a fabulous reputation, is extremely organized, and has a very loyal staff. “Chef Ed and the dining team do a terrific job creating, packaging and delivering meals to us,” she says. “We appreciate all the work that goes on behind the scenes.”
Content to be at Stonebridge during this challenging time, Sylvia and Bruce agree: “They’re taking good care of us, and we don’t take it for granted.”
“Thank you for your care, kindness, and courage among our most vulnerable residents.”
Letter of Thanks to Employees from the Residents of Stonebridge at MontgomeryOn behalf of Stonebridge residents, we write to express our deep gratitude to you personally for all that you and your fellow employees have done to keep the residents and yourselves as healthy as possible. We applaud your efforts and your dedication to your work.
We have caught glimpses of some of you, masked and in protective gear, at the doorways of residents needing medical assistance; and we know that others of you work in Stonebridge’s healthcare units at considerable risks to your own health and safety. Thank you for your care, kindness, and courage among our most vulnerable residents.
We see many of you daily as you deliver our meals to our apartments or cottages, and we know that others in dining services have planned and prepared these meals for us. We also see that someone is daily picking up and delivering our mail, our packages, and various notices, while someone else is preparing puzzle packets, singalongs, and a daily schedule of Channel 1979 programs. Thank you for daily nourishment, for daily communication with the outside world, and for thoughtful attention to our daily needs for exercise, education, and entertainment.
We have even seen some of you cleaning the walls and handrails of our halls; and we understand that many of you have been “deep cleaning” throughout Stonebridge’s facilities, including healthcare units. Thank you for giving everyone in the Stonebridge community this extra measure of protection during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thanks to your good work, Stonebridge has been one of the safest places to be in New Jersey. Stonebridge management developed an excellent plan to keep all of us safe. But a plan without action is only words on paper. You, the Stonebridge employees—you made the plan work.
John L. Williams, Residents Association President
Jeffrey B. Tener, Residents Association President-Elect
“The people are wonderful here; it’s very easy to meet folks and make new friends. There’s so much to do socially.”
Dorothy Moore
Dorothy Moore, also known as Dot, is one of the first residents to join the Stonebridge at Montgomery community 12 years ago. Originally from Huntsville, Alabama, she moved to the Princeton area to be close to her new grandson.
“It was the right move for me. I love my one-bedroom apartment with living room, dining room, den, and kitchen. My porch with northeast exposure is beautiful. During the warmer months, I like to sit and have breakfast and lunch there and take in the pretty view.
“The people are wonderful here; it’s very easy to meet folks and make new friends. There’s so much to do socially. And there are several options for health care, including the Lifecare plan, which keeps me from worrying about the future. This is the good life—it is!”
“At Stonebridge, we feel a sense of security knowing that health issues can quickly be dealt with here in the new Healthcare Center.”
Jerry and Sheila Berkelhammer
“We’re so glad we made the decision to move to Stonebridge at Montgomery. We learned that selling our house and getting rid of possessions is hard. The older you are, the more difficult it will be. We made our own decision about where we wanted to live. If you don’t, your children may do it for you, and you may not like the result.
“At Stonebridge, we feel a sense of security knowing that health issues can quickly be dealt with here in the new Healthcare Center. We have experienced two such episodes. The Stonebridge nurse was in our apartment within one minute of our call. Luckily, neither event was life-threatening, but the instantaneous response was truly appreciated and reassuring. The clinic, assisted living, and skilled nursing facilities are right in the same building you live in. If you’re a couple and one of you develops serious medical problems, you’re still living in the same place with appropriate care and support for the person who needs it.
“There is a great sense of community spirit here. Come while you can participate in activities, as we did: Enjoy the fitness center, the pool, the library; grow some tomatoes or flowers in your plot in the community garden; serve on committees; and attend lectures, movies, concerts, etc., with your new neighbors. You will soon feel part of a very welcoming, caring community. You’ll make many new friends at Stonebridge. Or maybe all your old friends have already gone to Stonebridge and that’s why you haven’t seen them. Come find them here.
“The maintenance and housekeeping services are so convenient at Stonebridge. Clogged sink? Heavy pictures to hang? Call maintenance—a handyperson is at your door pronto. No charge, and no tipping allowed. Maid service, including fluffy white towels, happens weekly. No charge, and no tipping allowed.
“Transportation is provided too. The Stonebridge bus: It goes where we (and you) need to go. Supermarkets, banks, the movies, the mall, events at McCarter Theatre Center, Richardson Auditorium, the Old Guard, and now even Trader Joe’s. No more looking in vain for parking places in downtown Princeton. The bus takes you right to the door, picks you up again and brings you home.
And great food and dining! After we enjoy dinner, Sunday brunch, a First Friday cocktail party, and feast or a holiday celebration, we can relax. The mess—dirty pots, pans, and dishes is in Stonebridge’s kitchen—not ours. We can’t say enough good things about Stonebridge. We’re so happy we made the move!”
“I’m impressed by the thoughtful, meticulous care of our two family members.”
Adult Child of a Stonebridge Resident“I’m impressed by the thoughtful, meticulous care of our two family members. For example, after my elderly mother was released from the hospital, Stonebridge went way beyond the call of duty to make it possible for her to stay at Stonebridge in the same facility as my other family member. Thanks to these caring efforts, our family, in my mother’s last days, was able to be together. That means the world.
“Equally important as the day-to-day caregiving is Stonebridge’s communication with me as a family member. I am grateful for the excellent working relationship we have. It makes all the difference—for the well-being of our whole family. I find Stonebridge a very caring community. Stonebridge also has a wonderful resident community.”